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FAX Workspace Application
FAX is the newest space initiated by The School. We are 6 makers from various disciplines, researching what the city needs.
Within this space we share a makerspace, expo/gallery space, performance space, cinema, kitchen area, material library & many more concepts to come. We are
searching for new makers who want to join our team. Below you find a summary of what to expect within our workspace:
You have acces to our makerspace where we share saw, welding, grinding, drill... machines
You have acces to our gallery space where you can present, perform, organize...
You join the FAX team and want to help with organizing events, exhibitions, concepts...
We ask for a contribution of 100 EUR/month/person for a personal atelier space
We ask for a contribution of 50 EUR/month/person for using the public work space
It is not permitted to spend the night within the building
It is not permitted to use electrical heating devices within the building
It is not permitted to make loud noises after 22h
If you have more questions about this application, contact us at
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* Indicates required question
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Your answer
Can you describe your artistic practice?
Your answer
What type of workspace do you need/prefer? (size, lighting, height, ground floor, personal atelier or public workspace...)
Your answer
What is your commitment towards the space you use? How often do you see yourself working there?
Your answer
In what way would you like to get involved in the FAX team (organize or help out with events, exhibitions, developing new concepts...)
Your answer
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