Join Minnesota Trout Unlimited to celebrate Minnesota Public Lands Day! 

Public lands are vital for trout fishing in Minnesota! We invite you to celebrate Public Lands Day, April 5 at the Capitol, in partnership with Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters and many other organizations and individuals celebrating the great gift of public lands in Minnesota.  

When: 2:30PM meet Executive Director John Lenczweski on the steps of the Capitol to join in community with other MNTU members! John will be holding a MNTU sign and will provide a brief update on MNTU’s advocacy work this session. The rally will begin at 3:00PM in the rotunda.

What: Wear your MNTU swag! Make signs that feature trout and appreciation for public lands!

Let us know if you’re coming and we'll follow up with more specific information before April 5. We can't wait to see you there! 

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What Minnesota public lands are your favorite to fish or play in? 
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