A Study of the Book of Hosea

In this prophetic book, Hosea, an 8th century B.C. prophet to both Israel and Judah, has been called by God to marry an adulterous wife, Gomer.  Hosea’s marriage with Gomer symbolizes God’s covenantal marriage with Israel and Judah.  The Northern Kingdom of Israel has committed a breach of this covenantal relationship by rejecting their one true God and turns instead to worship the pagan gods of the Canaanite nations.  Through Hosea, God accuses sinful Israel of her adulterous practices, and warns her, (and also Judah), of the impending judgement.  At the same time, sprinkled throughout the book, God demonstrates his relentless love for his beloved people through his mercifully persistent calls for them to return to Him.        

Date: 25 May (Sat)

Time: 10am - 12pm

Venue: via Zoom

Facilitator: Sister Koh Guat Hua

*Zoom details will be sent to you upon registration.

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