House Sitting Comprehension Questions - CLB3
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Hi, Steven. This is Ali. Thank you so much for responding to my email and agreeing to be a house sitter for me. I truly appreciate it. I will drop off my keys tomorrow. The gold key is for the building entrance and the silver key is for the door handle to my apartment. There is a keypad to unlock the deadbolt. Please, don't forget the code. It's 1234. I have cat food sitting on top of the fridge. Please feed Meow Meow three times a day. He's a big cat. Don't forget, or else, he might start to cry. Also, please check my mail. I might be receiving something important. Thanks so much. I will see you in three weeks.
1. How was Steven contacted about house sitting?
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2. When will he get the house keys?
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3. What is the silver key for?
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4. What is the code for the keypad?
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5. Why does Ali want Steve to check his mail?
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6. Where is the cat food stored?
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