Duality Feedback Form
Thank you for checking out our Duality playtest adventure Recover, Rinse, Repeat! We would love to hear from you about your experience in the game. Responses are collected anonymously.
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Players Questions
Each question is a scaled rating of 1-5, with 1 being bad, 3 being indifferent, and 5 being good. None of the questions are required, in case you didn't encounter that in your playtest.
How easy was character creation?
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How did you feel about the variety of skills for characters?
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How would you rate the Unique Exertion feature?
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How would you rate the ease of the Exertion system?
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Did you find the system engaging?
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Did you find the module engaging?
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Do you have any additional comments about playing Duality?
Storyteller Questions
Each question is a scaled rating of 1-5, with 1 being bad or hard, 3 being indifferent, and 5 being good or easy.
Did you enjoy the combat set up?
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How would you rate the Resource Point exchange system?
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Was it challenging managing enemies across both worlds?
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Did you find the system engaging as a Storyteller?
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Did you provide the party with special items?
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How would you rate the included special suggestions?
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How would you rate the monster scalability?
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Do you have any additional Storyteller feedback?
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