Drama Club Parent Survey
Dear Parents! We are considering having some sort of drama club activities, starting in January. Please complete the following survey to indicate your preferences. Once we determine what is feasible to offer, we will send out a separate registration. Thank you!

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Student 1 Name *
Student 1 Grade *
Student 2 Name
Student 2 Grade
Student 3 Name
Student 3 Grade
Is your student interested in participating in in-person theater activities (no singing), similar to the sports activities we have done at Union. We would follow all health guidelines for after-school activities. This would be a workshop for one hour, twice per week, after school on campus. There would be a fee of $30-50 for a two-week workshop (4 classes).
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Is your student interested in participating in virtual theater and singing workshops? (There would be a fee TBD) ($30-50 for a two-week workshop - 4 classes)
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Is your student interested in participating in a virtual musical where the scenes, songs, etc. would be recorded by you with direction from our director and would be compiled and edited by the director and/or an editor and a link sent to all participants once completed? There would be a $150 registration fee for the show, which would most likely take place Jan-April.
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We have a musical theater director who will be leading all activities. We can use some parent volunteers to help us if we pursue a virtual show. Are you interested in the following virtual volunteering opportunities (please check all that apply):
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