Misaskim Mishnayos Siyum
As people are not coming to shiva houses, whether it's a case of coronavirus or not,  I imagine that mishanyos charts are not being filled out and these heiliga neshamos are having less or no mishnayos learned לזכר נשמתם. Can our wonderful organization take it upon them to coordinate amongst our dedicated volunteers to finish ששה סדרי משנה as a community shloshim for the niftarim?
We can put out on chats to get all names of those niftarim in the recent days/weeks who may not have been zoche to the regular  kavod that were typically accorded prior to this mageifa.
I would like to dedicate this project לזכר נשמת ניסל מלכה בת מרדכי who was nifteres on Wednesday.
-Nachi W
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