Spring Break Kids Camp 2023
Kids day camp for ages 5-12
Monday March 27 - Friday March 31, 8:00 am- 4:30 pm, daily

Space is limited to 24 participants. 

Participants need to bring a lunch/snacks, water bottle
Skates and helmet if they wish to participate in skating

Sky Dome will be here on Monday, taking us into the stars.
Rocks and Rings will be visiting us on Tuesday for floor curling.
We will be going to the Rectory for a tour and activity Wednesday, Thursday

Once you have been successfully registered, you will be contacted for payment.
Payment is not required until your spot has been confirmed. 

$150/ week  ($157.50 incl. GST)

E-transfers to staccregistration@shaw.ca (no password required)
Cash/Cheque can be dropped off to Rec. Manager during business hrs. 
Payment will not be accepted the day of camp.

Meagan Shaw
Recreation Manager
28A St. Andrews Road
St. Andrews, MB
(204) 406-8176

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Parents Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Childs Name
(please fill out a separate form for additional child)
Childs Age *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Number *
Does your child have any allergies, disabilities, special conditions that staff should be made aware of.
(ie. require an epi-pen, medic-alert, autism, etc..)

I, acting for myself or as the parent/guardian of the participant registered, understand the completion and submission of the on-line registration form indicates agreement from the player, parent/guardian to his/her participation in any and all team activities during the current season.  I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from the activities.  I do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the St. Andrews Community Club, it's directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, the local league, organizers, sponsors, participants and community centers from and against all claims, actions, demands, cost and expenses in respect to death, injury, loss or damage which may arise out of, or in connection to the player, parent, or guardian taking part in any St. Andrews Community Club Activity; except to the extent covered by accident or liability insurance.


I agree to pay the St. Andrews Community Club the registration fees that are due for the programs I have chosen for me or my child(ren). Participants will be officially registered in the sport once payment is received by the registrar. Any outstanding balances for other sports must be paid prior to being accepted into the sport you are registering for. Please be aware that additional fees may be required from your sport depending on the needs of the sport. Refunds will only be issued in the case of illness with a letter from a medical doctor. 

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