HOPE NC Community Living Action Council  Interest Form
Information on the action group 

Purpose: This council's focus will be to discuss collaborative ideas to increase community living opportunities for those with disabilities. 

Major Tasks 

  1. Getting self-advocates more involved in the housing efforts in the Triangle community 

  2. Defining what community living preferences are for those with IDD

  3. Exploring why community living is important 

  4. Look at how housing impacts the disability population

  5. Share with HOPE NC the findings from #1-#4

Topics or Projects to focus on : 

  1. Definition of Community Living ( Interviews turned into blog posts)

  2. Showing what social connection looks like (art, collage pieces)

  3. Creating timelines for future plans for people with IDD in the Triangle  (written and visual display)

Meeting Duration: Meetings will be once a month 

Location : Zoom: Mondays 4-5 pm 

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What does community living  mean to you? 
What does belonging mean to you?
What do you know about HOPE NC inclusive housing plans? 
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