Fiber Feel Good Nomination Form
We know how important fiber arts are for our mental health. We're pretty sure you are just as reliant on your fiber projects to get you through tough times. We are certainly in tough times now.

We would love to send a Fiber Feel Good gift to someone you know who could use it, but can't afford it. Is there someone you know that has been affected by the "stay home" orders and doesn't have the resources to treat themselves to a new project? We would love to help.

We received a donation to the store with the request that it is given to people who need it. We just need your help finding the people in need.

We have 50 Feel Good Fiber Kits!

If you have someone in mind, please fill out the form below. We will contact your nominee in the order they were received. We may get more nominations than 50, so we can't guarantee everyone nominated will receive one. We will let your fiber friend choose the kit they like and we'll pop the care package in the mail in just a few days!

Please limit your nomination to someone you know is in financial need. Someone who might not have a stash of yarn at the ready.  I know there are many of us that are in stressful situations right now, but this gift is specifically for someone without the resources to get yarn for themselves.

You won't have to give us your name if you prefer not to. And hey...if you are in financial need and would love a kit, please nominate yourself. No questions, or judgement from your friends here at your local yarn store.

Thanks so much to the women who made this donation. We are grateful to be able to help show some extra love to our fiber community.
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First and Last Name of Nominee *
Nominee contact info
We need to contact the nominee. Please help us find the best way to do that.
Email, phone, Facebook, Instagram? We don't need all of these, but want to reach them in the most efficient way.
Email address of nominee
Phone number of nominee for text or call
Facebook name of nominee for instant message
Instagram name of nominee for direct message
Your name if you want to share
Your email address if you want to share
Your phone number if you want to share
Would you like them to know who nominated them?
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Other info you want us to know
Thank you.
Thanks so much to the women who made this donation. We are grateful to be able to help show some extra love to our fiber community.

Thanks to you for nominating someone. You are helping us find the perfect people to receive these Fiber Feel Good Gifts. We hope your fiber projects continue to bring you peace in this unsettled time.
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