Baldwyn High School Archery Interest
**NOTE: Archery equipment needed for participation is provided. You are not required to purchase bows or arrows unless you want your own personal equipment. (Please speak with Coach Moore or Coach Wilson before purchasing.)
Student Name: *
Grade: *
Do you participate in any other sports or activities? *
If yes, please list below:
Does the school currently have a physical on file? (If you participated in a sport/activity through the school last year, that physical may be used as long as it has been completed after May 1, 2021) *
Do you already have a DragonFly Max account? ***This is used for every sport/activity for the Baldwyn School District***
Batalkan pilihan
If you have a DragonFly Max account, have you completed it to be eligible to participate in Archery? (If it shows 100% completed then you are good to go!)
Batalkan pilihan
Please sign up for the following Remind 101 to receive updates regarding tryouts. Send a text to 81010. Text this message: @28f22ae *
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