Specific Skill Interview
Thank you for submitting an interview.

You don’t have to answer all the questions. Just answer the ones that you think apply and where you have a unique perspective. The audience really appreciates honest responses full of your hard-won knowledge and insight.
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What skill is the topic of this interview?
For example: project management, problem solving, product management, etc.
How would you describe your expertise with this skill?
For example: 10-years experience, master black belt, etc.
Explain this skill in the most simple way you can.
What is this skill useful for and when should it be applied?
What is the typical outcome desired from applying this skill?
What is the best way to learn this skill?
What are some tips to be effective when applying this skill?
What should be avoided? What are some common pitfalls?
What tools do the majority of the heavy lifting for this skill?
Who are the main stakeholders?
What are the inputs and outputs to achieve the outcomes?
What are the main deliverables or documents that get produced?
What does good look like in this area?
What’s the best outcome you’ve ever achieved when applying this skill?
What’s the worst outcome you’ve ever seen when applying this skill?
Are there any shortcuts, tips, tricks or hacks you’ve learned along the way?
What advice do you have for someone considering learning this skill?
Do you have any funny stories to share related to this skill?
Anything else you’d like to add?
These interviews are anonymous, but you can leave your contact details here if you would like to discuss your responses.
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