Teen Takeover Weekend - Application Form
Event Timing: Saturday 27th April to Sunday 28th April 2024
Event Address: Chippenham & surrounding villages (multiple venues)
Contact us at: louisa.young@wiltshire.gov.uk, liz.alstrom@wiltshire.gov.uk, kathryn.macdermid@wiltshire.gov.uk

This event is being led by the Local Youth Network (the LYN) as part of the Chippenham Area Board and is an opportunity for us to showcase the current youth provision that already exists in the Chippenham area.

We are seeking external funding from a number of partners to be able to provide all activities and workshops over the weekend for free, to ensure that all young people in the Chippenham area have the opportunity to participate, irrespective of their financial situation.

Following the event, through feedback from participants we are hoping to establish what gaps exist - if any - in the youth provision locally, with a view to working with existing providers to close these gaps, or where necessary seek external support. This is to ensure we have a wide and varied offering of activities available to young people in our community. 

If you run an organisation in the Chippenham area that already provides activities for those aged 13 to 19 (to 25 for those with SEND needs), and you're keen to take part in this event, please complete the form below with the details of what you will be able to offer, and return it along with any supporting documentation to: louisa.young@wiltshire.gov.uk    Deadline for submission is: 05th February 2024

Organisation Name *
Organisation Address *
Facilitators Name *
Email *
Contact Telephone Number *
Youth Provision - workshop/activity details *
Please provide a breakdown of the activity you will be doing during the Teen Takeover Weekend and what skills will be learnt - Are these sessions that were already planned, or would you putting these on especially for the Teen Takeover Weekend?
On which day(s) will you run workshops? *
N.B: Given the number of providers that we are expecting to host workshops over the weekend, we would prefer providers to be able to run at least two sessions, and ideally at least one on each day. 
This is to ensure that young people will get the opportunity to participate in as many activities as possible.
What time(s) will you run the workshop(s)? *
Please also include the duration length of each workshop
How many young people can you accommodate in each session? *
How much will your workshop(s) cost to run? *
Please provide a breakdown of the cost per workshop / per attendee 
[Remember to factor in your venue/hall hire costs and any additional staffing/supplies you may need to run the session]
Do you already have a venue/location for the workshop, or will you require assistance in finding a suitable location over the weekend? *
Please include venue name and address, or your requirements for a suitable space 
Do you have insurance in place to cover your organisation in providing these workshops? *
Is the person facilitating the workshop trained in providing First Aid? *
Do all workshop facilitators have current DBS check? *
Do you have a safeguarding policy in place? *
Please provide us with the days, times and location of existing activities/workshops you already run as an organisation.
This is so we can build a directory of providers/activities and promote your organisation following the event.
Feel free to include photos / posters / links to your website and social media
Additional info

Please feel free to provide us with any further information you feel would be useful
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