【邀請全港市民參與 Invite all HK citizens to participate】立法會保險界功能組別調查問卷 Survey on LegCo Insurance Functional Constituency



The Hong Kong Legislative Council (‘LegCo’) election is scheduled for September 2020. The Hong Kong Insurance Union (‘HKIU’) is now conducting an online survey to understand Hong Kong citizens perception of and attitude towards the Insurance Functional Constituency.

This questionnaire seeks to understand the opinions of both the public and insurance practitioners on the incumbent LegCo member for the Insurance Functional Constituency. There are not more than 22 questions and the survey will take around 5-8 minutes. No personal data* of the respondents will be involved, and all responses will be used for statistical and data analysis purposes.

Thank you for your support and help to create a better Hong Kong.
If you have any enquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.

網頁 Website: www.hkiunion.org
Facbook: fb.me/hkiunion
Instagram: @hkiunion
Twitter: @hkiunion
Telegram Channel: t.me/hkiunion

聯絡我們 Contact us:
電郵 Email: info@hkiunion.org
Telegram: t.me/hkinsuranceunion
Whatsapp: 97445059

*根據第486章 《 個人資料(私隱)條例 》 第2條 ,個人資料是指任何資料,可以「直接或間接與一名在世的人有關的、可以切實可行地透過有關資料,直接或間接地確定有關個人的身分、及該資料的存在形式,讓人可切實可行地查閱及處理有關資料(例如是文件或影帶)」。Personal data means any data "relating directly or indirectly to a living individual, from which it is possible and practical to ascertain the identity of the individual from the said data, in a form in which access to or processing of the data is practicable" (e.g. a document or a video tape).  The legal definition of personal data can be found in Section 2 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 )("the Ordinance").
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