Bearrison Street Fair's Bouncing Booties Twerk-Off
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Got Bootie? Sign Up to Compete!

Bearrison Street Fair will be held Saturday Oct. 15th 12:00-6:00pm at 11th and Harrison Streets in San Francisco, CA.  The contest will be ~20 minutes and will be held on the main stage some time between 3:00-5:15pm. Specific time TBD. 

All genders and body types are welcomed, encouraged, and celebrated!

Contest Rules

There will be several rounds of dancing: Round one, Semi-finals, and Finals. In each round, dancers will compete head-to-head against one or two other dancers.  Audience applause determines the winner of who among each set of 2-3 dancers will advance to the next round.  Each dance will be ~25-30 seconds.  We’ll provide twerkable beats for you to shake your goods and an emcee will run the contest on stage.


$100 prize for first place

Gift cards to local businesses for 2nd and 3rd places.


Please contact Ben Stefonik, Bearrison Entertainment Co-coordinator, at

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