NatureServe Canada EBAR Range Mapping Data and Expertise Form (North America Focus)- Fall 2024 Request
Before completing this form, please review the email we sent to prospective data providers and/or expert reviewers that contained background information regarding the Ecosystem-based Automated Range Mapping (EBAR) project.

NatureServe Canada's EBAR team is currently focused on data mining and expert review for: 1) Species that are priorities for status assessments by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) and Species At Risk Act (SARA) recovery strategies and action plans; and 2) Species of priority to the KBA Canada program (i.e., KBA Trigger Species).

Our list of EBAR priority species for data mining and expert review can be accessed here: Web_List_EBARPriorities_2024.xlsx

The purpose of this form is to document if you have:

1)  Location data for our priority species that could be shared with the project (other than NatureServe Network multi-jurisdiction data, which we have requested in a separate form); and/or

2)  Taxonomic expertise and availability to review/refine EBAR maps of KBA and COSEWIC/SARA priority species

This form is intended to be completed by species experts from NatureServe member programs (US, Canada, Mexico) AND from beyond the NatureServe Network. We ask that the form be completed by individuals (i.e., we hope to see multiple form responses from single organizations). Please forward our intro email and this form to any colleagues/organizations you feel could contribute expert review and/or data to ensure that EBAR range maps are based on the best available information.

For all questions please contact the NatureServe Canada EBAR team at:

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