Thanks for your interest in composting your household food scraps with Camp Washington Perennial Farm! We're glad to have you here.
Our drop-off bin is located at our gate entrance, and is accessible 24/7. The bin has a coded lock on it, the code for which you'll receive after successful completion of our drop-off quiz. The farm address is listed as 3220 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45225. However, actual access to the farm is on Workhouse Drive, off of Monmouth Avenue.
You! Our free drop-off program accepts residential food scraps from residents and households around Cincinnati. If you are a business or want to compost food scraps from your work, check out our partner
Queen City Commons for commercial collection, as well as other residential drop-off locations around town.
Below is a list of the items we currently accept for compost drop-off.
- fruits
- vegetables
- grains (bread, rice, oats, etc.)
- coffee grounds and coffee filters
- spices
- house plant clippings and old houseplant soil
- cut flowers (with no paint, ribbon, or other decoration)
As we are a small-scale composting operation, these are the only items we are currently able to process. If you are unsure if something falls under the categories on this list, please reach out to us and ask! When in doubt, leave it out.
When considering the above items, follow these guidelines:
- Do not compost anything that has been painted or otherwise decorated.
- When possible, please cut down large, bulky produce into smaller pieces.
- Even if a disposable product or its packaging claims it is "compostable" or "biodegradable," we do not accept it. There is minimal regulation around these marketing claims, with a wide variety of actual compostability + safety of these items. Because we are a farm that grows produce for humans, we do not accept any of these items.
- Mold on any of the food we accept? No problem! We are a happy home for fungi.
Bin Access
After submission, click on the button "View Score. If you've selected the right answers, you'll receive the code to access the drop-off bin. If you've missed one or more, click on "Edit your response" to try again.
After accessing the bin, please re-lock the latch. While bin access is free, the lock helps ensure passers-by don't unintentionally use the bin as a trash can.
We appreciate your help in dropping off only what we accept. Your effort goes a long way in helping keep our compost clean for our small farm and our partners!
Happy composting!