Liqa' ASAS 2023
Assalamualaikum wrt wbh,

Greetings from Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance Malaysia (ASAS)!

We are pleased to inform that Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance Malaysia (ASAS) will be organizing LIQA' ASAS 2023 in conjunction with 12th ASAS Annual General Meeting 2023. The topic on for the event will be The Emergence of Chatbots: "The Potential of AI in Improving Access to Shariah Judgement".

Details of the talk as per below:

Event: LIQA' ASAS 2023
Topic: The Emergence of Chatbots: "The Potential of AI in Improving Access to Shariah Judgement"
Date: 29th March 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 3.00 p.m - 4.30 p.m
Venue: Executive Forum, AICB & ASAS Zoom Platform

ASAS also cordially invites all attendees to attend the 12th ASAS Annual General Meeting 2023 after the event. 

With that, we would like to seek your cooperation to complete and submit all the requirements as follows.

Thank you.
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