YG Contact information

Please complete this form so we have the right information and can reach you. A separate permission slip with emergency contact and medical information will be provided via email.

Follow us on Instagram for updates @stagnesyouth
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
High schooler name *
Parent's name
Birthday *
We are required to maintain records on minors up to their 21st birthday. This question helps us ensure our records are maintained properly.
High School
Auswahl löschen
Graduation Year
By submitting this form, I agree to OPT IN for updates from St Agnes Youth Ministry.  *
The YM team may add me to their Flocknote subscription. *
We will be using Flocknote to send emails. This platform allows us to send emails to particular groups, like high school seniors, WorkCampers, parents, etc. 
You may update your Flocknote information once it has been added and may choose to include a phone number for text updates too.
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Dieses Formular wurde bei St. Agnes School erstellt. Missbrauch melden