Sanda/Kickboxing Sign-Up
This form lets us know who and how many are interested in taking Sanda/Kickboxing/Self-Defense classes.

The course will cover striking (punches, kicks, elbows, knees), throws and sweeps, light sparring, and occasional grappling and self defense scenarios utilizing techniques learned in class.

When we are ready/able to start classes, we will contact you to figure out scheduling and costs.

There is no obligation or payment required until we are able to start classes.
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Your Full Name *
Student First Name (if for child) *
Experience with "combat sports" like MMA, Kickboxing, Boxing, etc. *
Tell me about any other previous Martial Arts experience
What is your primary reason for your interest in Sanda? *
Are you currently enrolled in classes with us? (select all that apply)
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