Teacher Supervisor Reference Form
Our teacher applicant provided your name as a reference for a teaching position at NorthBay Christian Academy. Your answers to a few questions concerning this teacher would be greatly appreciated. All responses to this form will remain confidential.

In Christ,
Robbin Isham
NCA Educational Director
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Input name of person you for whom you are writing the reference. *
Your First, Last Name *
School Affiliation *
Mailing Address *
Enter the best phone number to reach you. *
Email address *
How long have you known the teacher applying to the school, and in what capacity? *
How do you know the teacher applying for a position at NorthBay Christian Academy *
When was the last time you interacted with the teacher? *
Reason why the teacher is no longer at your school. *
Is the teacher characterized by strong moral behavior? *
Does the teacher show flexibility and a positive attitude? *
Does the teacher strive to excel in his/her knowledge of the grade or subject taught? *
Does the teacher teach from a Biblical worldview? *
Is/Was the teacher's class orderly with respect and attentiveness expected from the students? *
Is/Was the teacher's class organized with good time management skills? *
Has the teacher shown positive communicative relationships with parents? *
Do you have any concerns about this teacher's ability to teach with excellence? *
Electronic Signature *
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