Book Launch: The Practice of Human Development and Dignity
Please join the Kellogg Institute for International Studies in a launch event for the book The Practice of Human Development and Dignity (University of Notre Dame Press, 2020), part of the Kellogg Institute Book Series on Democracy and Development and the culmination of a years-long collaborative initiative at the Kellogg Institute on human dignity and human development .

Distinguished guests Carolyn Woo and Rev. David Hollenbach, SJ will discuss the book with editors Paolo G. Carozza, who will offer an introduction to the text, and Clemens Sedmak, who will moderate the discussion.

Contributors to the book – from the social sciences, philosophy, theology, and legal and development theory – consider how human dignity can serve as a point of synthesis across diverse development approaches, bringing clarity to development outcomes as well as to which interventions most effectively promote such outcomes. They include past and present Kellogg scholars Simona Beretta, Matt Bloom, Cat Bolten, Séverine Deneulin, Rev. Bob Dowd, CSC, Deirdre Guthrie, Beth Hlabse, Paul Perrin, Steve Reifenberg, Ilaria Schnyder, and Bruce Wydick, among other chapter authors.
Tuesday, January 19 - 12:00pm Eastern Time Zone

The instructions on how to join by computer or phone will be circulated in advance.

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