Wild Life Trivia (easy vers.)
In case you wanted to see the full list, here are all the trivia questions we came up with that made it into the game and try your luck at all of them!

We tried to pick an even spread across seasons and players, and tried to pick questions we thought at least one person would remember the answer to. We also wanted questions or answers we thought people would find entertaining. The seven of us spent several days coming up with nearly 200 questions, then a few more days discussing which ones should make the cut into the episode, paring them down to the 99 questions that went into the Quizmaster's arsenal.

Originally our questions were a bit more difficult, but we were asked to tone it down after the snail carnage. We tried to avoid meta questions about things outside the game, and stat questions like "how many times did X die of Y cause?"

That said, we also have a second form for the rejected questions, if you want to try your luck with those. :)

Questions created by Bee, Cherri, Hoffen, Julia, Lew, Maruu, and Zera !!
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Which pair was out first in Double Life? *
1 point
What did the Southlanders say when using a spyglass in Last Life? *
1 point
Who was Etho's favorite son in Limited Life? *
1 point
In Secret Life, who failed the 100-block-high water bucket clutch? *
1 point
In Limited Life, which player went AFK for a whole session because they were sick? *
1 point
What did Scott and Martyn call themselves in Limited Life? *
1 point
What was the name of Pearl's dog in Double Life? *
1 point
Which of these was NOT a Life Series Season? *
1 point
Where did Grian and Mumbo hide their diamonds in Last Life? *
1 point
In what season did Scar take care of Jellie Pandas? *
1 point
Of these pairs, who got married in Third Life? *
1 point
Who was Pearl's soulmate in Double Life? *
1 point
In Third Life, who declared "Red winter is coming!" when they turned red? *
1 point
What was the name of Etho and Joel's base in Double Life? *
1 point
What season is Team TIES from? *
1 point
Who was Bdubs' soulmate Double Life? *
1 point
What item was stolen from the front of BigB's Third Life base? *
1 point
Which two mobs fought against each other for a task in Secret Life? *
1 point
"The 3 G's" are an alliance consisting of Cleo, Scott, and Pearl. In which season did this alliance form? *
1 point
Where was the Enchanter located originally in Double Life? *
1 point
Who won Real Life? *
1 point
What was the name of Gem, Impulse, and Scott's band? *
1 point
Why was Bdubs' house upside down in Secret Life? *
1 point
What happened when you failed a hard task in Secret Life? *
1 point
If I had a nickel for every life series Jimmy won, how many nickel would I have? *
1 point
What did Tango name his and Jimmy's Warden in Double Life? *
1 point
Why did Ren begin wearing a crown in Third Life? *
1 point
What was the name of Grian's Magma cube? *
1 point
What was the color of Skizz's underwear in Limited Life? *
1 point
How was the Double Life Warden killed? *
1 point
Who killed the Ender Dragon in Secret Life? *
1 point
BigB has an alternate ego that he uses throughout the series. What is his name? *
1 point
Which one of these hasn't been a feature in Bdubs' skin during the Life Series? *
1 point
In Third Life, how did Martyn kill Ren to turn him red? *
1 point
Who won "You Bet Your Life" in Last Life? *
1 point
Which players weren't pressent for the trapdoor sleepover in Secret Life? *
1 point
What did Scar and Pearl use to hurt their soulmates in Double Life? *
1 point
Who was referred to as the "Red King" in Third Life? *
1 point
When did Gem make her first appearance in the Life Series? *
1 point
What was the name of Pearl's cat in Limited Life? *
1 point
What was the cause of Lizzie's final death in Secret Life? *
1 point
Which goat horn type did Jimmy and Tango have in Double Life? *
1 point
How many times did Skizz die in the first episode of Limited Life? *
1 point
Who was the first to fail a task in Secret Life? *
1 point
What was the name of Scott and Pearl's base in Last Life? *
1 point
Who opened the End portal in Secret Life? *
1 point
Who were the wizards in Last Life? *
1 point
Who started the zombie curse in Secret Life session 7? *
1 point
What block was Etho's swamp fortress primarily made out of in Third Life? *
1 point
Who betrayed Cleo in Last Life? *
1 point
Who had a wolf pack in Third Life? *
1 point
On what mob did Gem and Pearl ride around killing people together? *
1 point
Who was the first ever Boogeyman in the Life Series? *
1 point
Who pranked other players with light grey stained glass in Third Life? *
1 point
What was the name of Scar's base in Secret Life? *
1 point
In Limited Life, Pearl and BigB decorated their tower with the face of an animal. What was it? *
1 point
Who built the Ghast farm in Last Life? *
1 point
Who did Mumbo compete against to have the biggest tower in Secret Life? *
1 point
Who was the S in team BEST? *
1 point
Between Bdubs, Impulse, Tango, and Scott, who was out first during Tag in Secret Life? *
1 point
Who threw a birthday party in Limited Life? *
1 point
What was Lizzie's base in Secret Life? *
1 point
Which team blew up Bread Bridge in Limited Life? *
1 point
What was the name of the Ravager that killed Jimmy in Limited Life? *
1 point
In Third Life, Scar used a clock to convince Bdubs to eliminate Impulse. Where did he get it? *
1 point
Which player had the fewest deaths in Last Life? *
1 point
Which Lyrics of "All Star" by Smash Mouth did Joel NOT say as part of a Secret Life task? *
1 point
Who said this quote? "You know, I've always had a thing for red names, bad boys..." *
1 point
Out of these Third Life quotes, which one was not said by Scar? *
1 point
In Secret Life, who was the only player to show up to Lizzie's slumber party? *
1 point
Who was Grian's "Secret Soulmate" in Double Life? *
1 point
What pet did Mumbo try to drown in Secret Life? *
1 point
Who burned down Jimmy and Scott's wall in Third Life? *
1 point
What was Mumbo's ultimate weapon to stop a red name in Secret Life? *
1 point
Which player appeared the tallest in the April Fools episode Real Life? *
1 point
Who killed Lizzie while she was invisible on a skeleton horse in Secret Life? *
1 point
When Scar turned red in Third Life, he gave Grian two types of flowers as a peace offering. What were these flowers? *
1 point
Which player started the first ever Raid in the Life Series? *
1 point
In every single season he's participated in so far, Mumbo has died right after which player? *
1 point
Which player lost all of their lives in one session of Third Life? *
1 point
Which of these did Mumbo use to get a Boogey kill in Last Life? *
1 point
Which of these was NOT a house of Dogwarts? *
1 point
Who said this quote? "Do me a favor? Die for me." *
1 point
Which player makes it their goal to go to the Nether in the first session of every season? *
1 point
What was the name of Scar's bee in Third Life? *
1 point
What did Ren do with the Wither Star in Last Life? *
1 point
How did Gem lose her eye in Secret Life? *
1 point
In Double Life, Tango brought a Warden to the surface to kill two specific players. Who were they? *
1 point
What did Martyn hand over to Pearl when she asked for Tilly in Limited Life? *
1 point
In Last Life, Lizzie had 3 wolves. Identify one of the two incorrect names here. *
1 point
Who stole Scar's llama "Pizza" in Third Life? *
1 point
What season did Skizz NOT participate in? *
1 point
In Third Life, Impulse showed off a trick to find which ore? *
1 point
In Limited Life, Jimmy had a frog which was killed by Pearl. What was its name? *
1 point
What base did Cleo burn down in Last Life session 5 as an act of revenge? *
1 point
Which soulmate pair invited a hoard of zombies to the pool party in Double Life? *
1 point
What was the name of Skizz's dog in Last Life? *
1 point
Why did Cleo turn into a human in Secret Life? *
1 point
Did you like our trivia? *
1 point
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