SDU Board Member Application
Interested in being a leader in a student organization? SDU is looking for new board members for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Student Disability Union (SDU) is a community of people from diverse backgrounds who strive to create positive discourses for disability awareness and engagement. We help our members learn how to navigate the complexities of being a student with a disability and educate those who would like to be allies to students with disabilities.

The main role of the SDU board is to coordinate events to promote disability education and equity. Ultimately, we
intend to add to the great diversity and inclusivity of UCR’s student body by providing a place for students with disabilities to advocate for themselves and others.

If selected you will serve as a board member for the academic year working closely with Student Life advisor, SDU advisor, and other board members to plan meetings, events, and activities.
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Adreça electrònica *
Name *
UCR Email *
Phone Number *
Year in school *
Other Extra-curricular Activities Participation *
Position you are interested in *
Personal Statement (Please describe the strengths, qualities, and skills you can bring to SDU) *
Please note a few of your hobbies and interests.
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