Baby Massage & Yoga
Hey Mama!

This is the booking form for our Baby Massage and Baby Yoga sessions.

Soon to become a lovely bonding time for you and your babe. Baby massage is a very special way to connect with your baby. Touch and eye contact from you are so powerful alone. Coupled with nurturing strokes and techniques to help baby with common ailments and enhance development. We will provide your baby with soothing singing, strokes and yoga for a holistically relaxing session together.
Bookings are in blocks of 5 weeks. Relaxing and singing our ways through.

This time is also valuable for you to come and have a space for a cuppa and like minded chat, where you need to. Judgement free. Please don’t worry about baby crying or being not in the mood, all baby behaviour is not only expected but completely honoured.
Regrettably sessions are non refundable but I will try help you with catch up sessions if you miss one!

I will always give you first notice of booking onto the next blocks  going forward as you might find you’d like to continue :)
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Email *
Your name ( mummy or daddy!) *
Baby’s name *
Please provide your phone number *
Age of baby (we massage from 6 weeks, but if you'd like to come and enjoy the session singing and cuddling, you're welcome of course) *
Email address if you're happy to be added to my mailing list (I will add you to the mailing list, but no offence taken if you unsubscribe 😅) *
Post code *
How did you find this class? *
If there's anything you'd like me to know before starting your course leave it here :)
I'm a mother. I know just getting here can sometimes be a job on. I get you. Please Tick these 🙌🏼 *
Payment for groups can be made here :) *
Baby Massage with Mama Tree x 
Sessions are held in my home, if you have any allergies please let me know. I do have pets in the home but they don’t care for participating! *
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