Free Trial Registration 免費試學報名表
ABS Abacus Brain Study is pleased to host a monthly free trial class for prospective students and a seminar for prospective parents.
Trial class will be a 1-hour introductory lesson on the art of the abacus.
Seminar will be a 1-hour overview of the curriculum and its researched rationale.
Please note we will contact you upon receipt.

心珠算學會很高興每月舉辦一次免費試學班 (給學生) 及研討會 (給父母)。
兩者大概 1.5 小時。試學班將介紹算盤藝術。研討會將介紹本校課程及科技。

Thank you for your attention.
ABS Abacus Brain Study 心珠算學會
Canada Tel: (905) 470-9690
USA Tel: (718) 521-6188
Email: <>
Site: <>
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Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Age (years) *
Sorry, due to the nature of our training, we are unable to accommodate for children below the age of 4 and above the age of 12. Thank you for your understanding.
Can your child write all numbers from 1 to 100? *
Parent's Name & Phone Number *
example: Jenny & 647-XXX-XXXX
Parent's Email *
We will be forwarding free trial class details to your inbox. Please add <> to your contact list so the email does not go to spam.
Preferred Language(s) (for parents' seminar) *
Please check all that apply.
Preferred Time for Free Trial
We will finalize and confirm ONE time for your child's free trial. To best accommodate all students, please choose ALL possible options for you.
Morning (10am-12pm)
Afternoon (12pm-2pm)
Evening (2pm-4pm)
Late-Evening (After 4pm)
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