ZČU Rush predictor
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Webpage to test: https://kacerekz.github.io/KIV-ASWI/
You will need:
- computer + internet connection :)
- VPN connection to ZČU network

Installation of VPN
- open webpage: vpn.zcu.cz
- login using Your Orion login and password
- click "Continue" and "Download for <your OS>"
- run downloaded launcher

Use of VPN
- launch Cisco AnyConnect VPN
- Connect to: vpn.zcu.cz
- A new window opens up, you need to fill in Your orion login and password
- Click connect

- Visit
- Authorize unsafe connection
- Now You can test our application at: https://kacerekz.github.io/KIV-ASWI/

- When You're done testing click Disconnect to disconnect from VPN

Tutorial for VPN with images *in czech*: https://support.zcu.cz/index.php/VPN/AnyConnect/Win8_Orion
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