Free UK Genealogy Volunteer Survey
We're asking these questions to try to understand our volunteers better so we can support them better, and get an idea of where we might look for new volunteers. We want to be able to explain who our volunteers are and what they get out of volunteering, as it will help our case when seeking funding for developing our services. It will also help us to identify and mitigate barriers to volunteering.

We also want to know if/how your volunteering has been affected by the COVID pandemic. We believe that understanding the impact of the pandemic on our volunteers and their volunteering will be useful to support current and future volunteers.

We will not share the details of any answers; if we share our findings then will do so in a way that individuals can't be identified.
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
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