Application for HFAF, LLC
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Email *
Your Full Name and GDC# (if applicable) *
Are you currently incarcerated or at Halfway House? *
Will you be on or currently on Probation or Parole? *
Contact Phone Number *
What is your Max Out Date (if applicable)
Are you a Registered Sex Offender? *
Do you have your Social Security Card? *
Do you have a Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate? *
Have you currently or in your past been diagnosed with any Mental Health Condition? *
Have you ever had any Drug or Alcohol addictions? *
Do you have any physical condition that will prevent you from working a Full-Time Job that will require standing on your feet for 8 hours or lifting up to 50lbs on a continuous basis? *
Will you have any issues sharing a room with someone that is Transgender or Gay? *
Will you have any issues walking up to 2 miles to get to the nearest public transportation? *
Please list any special skills or certifications you may have held in the past. *
What is your short-term goals within the first year of your release? *
Name 3 reasons why you feel you should be accepted into Housing For All Felons LLC housing program? *
What is the Name, Number, and Email address of the person Financially responsible for payment? (if applicable)
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