WSC Practice Challenge - Science & Technology (To Edit a Planet)
A 30 question practice challenge about most of the 2020 Science & Technology curriculum in WSC. Scores are given upon completion for you to see your strengths and areas for improvement. Tune in next week at for the next Practice Challenge.
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 If you took part in a tree-planting event, which of the following concepts is being applied?
1 point
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Pyrolisation is a process used in which of these geoengineering techniques?
1 point
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Someone researching ocean fertilisation would benefit the most from also researching...
1 point
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Ocean Upwelling aims to achieve the same goal as what other geoengineering concept?
1 point
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Which of these methods is the most commonly supported form of solar-geoengineering?
1 point
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Which type of clouds does cloud thinning mainly intend to target?
1 point
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If a geoengineer was travelling to the arctic, what would they most likely be monitoring?
1 point
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Which of these geoengineering phenomena occurs in a positive feedback loop?
1 point
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John Latham first proposed what geoengineering method?
1 point
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Which of these considerations is most important to a geoengineering-reliant society?
1 point
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Which of these geoengineering techniques does not involve total encapsulation?
1 point
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Your friend claims that cloud seeding only creates rain, what would you say in response?
1 point
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Which of these techniques of environmental manipulation would farmers not benefit from?
1 point
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'Orgone energy manipulation' was theorised to have allowed which of the following technologies to work?
1 point
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Operation Popeye was an attempt to utilise environment manipulation technology during...
1 point
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If Tachyons existed, then which of these concepts would be far easier to comprehend?
1 point
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Hyperspace was popularised by which of these writers?
1 point
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“What’s so good about Einstein-Rosen Bridges?” your friend asks. What would you most likely respond with?
1 point
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Which of these authors from Literature might be interested in Human Stasis?
1 point
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Doppler Wobble, Gravitational Lensing and the Transit Method are all key considerations in what?
1 point
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Which of these things do we have yet to discover about Kepler 186-F?
1 point
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Which two planets are often used as standards when considering if something is a "Super-Earth?"
1 point
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 The Kardashev Scale compares what two factors?
1 point
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Kevlar, dirt and steel are all key material in the construction of...
1 point
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Constructing which of these structures would require a Lagrange Point?
1 point
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Nitrogen Importation might require us to first develop technology in order to...
1 point
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Which of these actions does the Outer Space Treaty not prevent?
1 point
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Robert Lanza is credited with developing...
1 point
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Which of these countries is not involved in the Artemis Project?
1 point
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Your friend wonders what's so good about a Dyson Sphere, what would you most likely say to them?
1 point
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