HB Quarterly Project Meeting - Evaluation
April 10, 2024
42 attendees

We are working to build a stronger, more cohesive and open Hubbard Brook community. Your ANONYMOUS feedback on our project meetings will help us to make them more welcoming and inclusive. We will aggregate and share the quantitative feedback from this evaluation during our next project meeting. Written, qualitative feedback from open-ended questions will be shared with the Scientific Coordinating Committee only. This form is not set to collect or associate email addresses with responses.
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How many Quarterly Project Meetings (formerly COS meetings) have you attended?
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Was the carbon topic interesting to you?
Not interesting
Extremely interesting
Clear selection
Would you like to participate in manuscript preparation for updating the carbon budget?  If yes, please also send a separate email to Lynn Christenson: lychristenson@vassar.edu
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Feel free to recommend a topic that you think would be particularly interesting and/or important for a future meeting.
To what degree did you participate in the GENERAL DISCUSSION?
I did not participate
Clear selection
To what degree were there opportunities to participate in the GENERAL DISCUSSION?
Reasonably adequate
More than adequate
Exceeded my expectations
In the chat
Clear selection
Did the GENERAL DISCUSSION feature many voices, ideas, and opinions?
Discussions dominated by a few
Wide range of voices, including students
Clear selection
To what degree would you like to have heard more voices in the GENERAL DISCUSSION?
Not at all
Very much
Clear selection
How can we enable more people to participate verbally during the GENERAL DISCUSSION?
To what degree did you participate in BREAKOUT GROUPS?
I did not participate
Clear selection
To what degree were there opportunities to participate in the BREAKOUT GROUPS?
Reasonably adequate
More than adequate
Exceeded my expectations
In the chat
Clear selection
Did the BREAKOUT GROUPS feature many voices, ideas, and opinions?
Discussions dominated by a few
Wide range of voices, including students
Clear selection
To what degree would you like to have heard more voices in the BREKOUT GROUPS?
Not at all
Very much
Clear selection
Whose voices would you like to hear more?
To what degree did the meeting provide you with the following benefits?
A little
A good amount
A great deal
New knowledge
Professional development
Clear selection
To what degree were your expectations met in the following ways?
Only a little
Very much
I had a voice
I felt respected
I understood the material
The meeting was beneficial
Clear selection
Feel free to share general feedback or specific suggestions for improving our meetings.
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