DDOD Quiz 5 - Five Forms of Maneuver
DDOD Weekly Quiz for August 11, 2023
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The Following Are Forms of Maneuver *
5 Punkte
Match tactical concepts to their descriptions: *
15 Punkte
Forms of Maneuver
Movement Formations
Movement Techniques
Select based on likelihood of enemy contact
Describe how combat or security elements maneuver in relation to each other and the main body
Tactical combinations of fire & movement with a unique set of doctrinal characteristics that differ primarily in the relationship between the maneuvering force and the enemy
Match tactical concepts to their descriptions: *
30 Punkte
Forms of Maneuver
Movement Formations
Movement Techniques
Turning Movement
Bounding overwatch
A penetration is a form of maneuver in which a force attacks on a narrow front
5 Punkte
Auswahl löschen
This form of maneuver forces the enemy two fight in to or more directions simultaneously:
5 Punkte
Auswahl löschen
" distinct tactical combinations of fire and movement with a unique set of doctrinal characteristics that differ primarily in the relationship between the maneuvering force and the enemy "  This is the definition of
5 Punkte
Auswahl löschen
Large airborne or air assault operations are technically described as:
5 Punkte
Auswahl löschen
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The DDOD Weekly Quiz is a check on learning that helps Soldiers demonstrate their individual independent efforts improve tactical and technical  expertise. If you want to submit your quizzes to your rating chain, we suggest including our "Information For Rating Chains" page (link here) when you do so. 
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