Internship Opportunity at Corazon Community Services!
Please fill out this form if you would like to donate your time and skillset to our Organization. If you are required to do community service by the court system DO NOT use this form. 
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Full Name/ Nombre Completo *
Phone number/ Numero *
Email *
Full Address / Direccion completo *
Date of birth / Fecha De Nacimento *
Age /Edad *
Race ( Select all that apply) *
Ethnicity *
If capacity is available, tell us a little bit about you. What would you wish to learn from this opportunity? What do you see yourself doing within our programs? what skills or contributions will you be bringing? *
What is your school name? *
What is your major? *
What department would you like to intern under?
How many hours are you being required to complete?/ ¿Cuántas horas debes completar? *
By when must you complete your internship? *
We background check all Interns, is this something you are okay with? *
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