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The house phone rings. You have overslept and your head is buzzing. The ringing doesn’t stop until you have almost reached the phone. Typical, isn’t it? You walk to your bedroom and try to find your phone in between the mess. The house phone rings, you run to it and pick it up, ready to give a rude response to the cold caller but before you say anything, you hear your father upset. Both your grandfather and he have been calling to your mobile for hours. You need to go to the shop as soon as possible: something has come up and as much as your father has tried to solve the issue through the phone, your grandfather is so disturbed that it’s been impossible.
Write down the code to access the DBO *
Source: Photo by Negative Space retrieved from Pexels (https://www.pexels.com/photo/marketing-office-working-business-33999/)
Wipe off the map
You poke your head into your grandfather's shop. You take a quick look around the shop for your grandfather and realise that something bad has happened. Bad enough that your grandfather isn't making eye contact and has waved in his deep tone. You walk slowly and discover him sitting behind the counter with an expression like he's seen a ghost. A salesman has come to the shop to offer him to be part of the internet, or so your grandfather has understood, well, what has become clearer to him is that if he is not part of the internet, his shop will wipe off the map. He handles the papers he’s been given, just simple flyers, but his scared look sets you in motion: How can you draw a full picture for him to understand what he’s been said?
Read the following article (https://elartedemedir.com/blog/analizar-la-informacion-para-transformarla-en-conocimiento/) and answer the following question:
Q1. According to the article, which analysis refers to the transformation of knowledge into action? *
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