LADDER LEAGUE SUB LIST (Thursday 8pm-10pm)
NOTE: Substitute players MUST abide by all league policies *including* helping properly set up/put away nets.  League Policies can be found on this website under League Format and Policies tab. 

People who wish to be a substitute MUST be on this Sub List.   You can sub for FREE.

The League Director will give out contact information for Subs to any League player who asks for it.  

We will be submitting all games scores to DUPR. 

** Therefore, you are REQUIRED to have a DUPR account.  **   (Everyone in all of our leagues already has one.)

If you do NOT have a DUPR account, please *discontinue this registration* and go to to create your account.   It's super easy!!  You just need your name and your email to get an account.  Please return to complete this registration after you have created your DUPR account.

You also must have an official skill rating to play on any court that has players over 3.4 skill level.  If you don't have an official rating and you believe you are higher skilled than 3.4, please contact our Pickleball Pro, Anthony D'Andrea through the club's front desk and ask for an assessment.  Phone # 614 868-5683
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Please provide the exact spelling of your first and last names in your DUPR account. *
Please provide your DUPR ID from your DUPR account.  (click here if you don't know what this is) *
Are you a current league member or a Scarborough Club member? If you are both, just select "league member." *
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