The Dealer's Voice - Pre Alpha Feedback
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How engaging did you find the gameplay? *
How easy was it to understand the gameplay and rules? *
Is there anything you disliked about the core gameplay?
How engaging did you find the dialog? *
What was your favourite conversation, if any? Why was it your favourite?
Who was your favourite Character? *
Why was that character your favourite?
Is there a kind of character you would like to see as a future patron?
How easy was the UI to use? *
Rate how well you felt the UI fit the overall theme of the game *
Is there anything you'd change about the User Interface?
Remember, this game is currently in its pre-alpha stage, with further features planned out already! If there's any ideas not covered by the Alpha Plans, please mention it below or in the Suggestion form!
What would make you want to play this game more, or make the game more engaging for you?
What would you want to get added to the game?
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