Tribute Reading Signup
St. Rocco's final reading at College of Saint Rose will take place on Saturday, April 13th.

St. Rocco's Readings for the Dispossessed is organizing a blow-out marathon celebration for April. We invite readers and writers at all stages of life and career to share a tribute, to give voice to the pieces that inspire them. Readings do not need to be limited to just works of poetry. Any text -- drama, essay, memoir, or anything in between -- is welcome. We want you to amplify and highlight the tradition that has influenced you. And tributes do not demand unqualified admiration. If the text, or author, is problematic, all the better -- so long as it has influenced you.

If you’d like to participate, fill out this form by March 23. Be sure to tell us what you plan to read (author and title). If you are an alum of College of Saint Rose, please note that below. Everyone is invited to participate, but space is limited and preference will be given to College of Saint Rose alums.

We will publish an initial list of readers online on April 4th with approximate hours. We expect that the reading will begin at 3pm. How long it goes depends on how many people signup... so signup and share with all your friends!
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