BCAB Qualification Feedback

Paddle Scotland is a Delivery Centre for British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) Qualifications. If you have feedback in relation to any of the awards that you would like to pass on to BCAB we suggest that you contact them directly enquiries@britishcanoeingawarding.org.uk. However, we are also interested to hear and will collate feedback to input to BCAB appropriately. 

Only feedback that is constructed politely and professionally will be considered. 

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Email *
Name *
What qualification or award do you wish to provide feedback on? 
Please add the specific course title, if not listed above;
Please add the specific course title, if not listed above. Or if your feedback relates to something different please explain here. 
What is your role relating to this course: 
Your feedback regarding the qualification or award:
Any other comments
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