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Fit Club Application
I'm so excited you are ready to invest in your heath/wellness and I'm especially excited to be the one that gets to help you do it! Please answer the following questions so that I know how to best help you.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First and Last Name
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
How did you meet Erin
Your answer
In this group we hold each other accountable for our Daily 4 for MORE! Which part of the 4 FOR MORE will be most challenging for you?
Daily Gratitude
Fuel you Body (Nutrition)
Move your Body (Fitness)
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Are you looking for a nutrition or fitness plan to invest in?
Yes! Nutrition!
Yes! Fitness!
Both! I need to focus on both nutrition and fitness
Not sure now is the time.
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What is your current goal for your health/wellness.
to lose weight
to feel better
gain strength
to be held accountable
all of the above
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Which is harder for you?
Healthy Routines
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Are you ready to set some goals and get started with a new healthy lifestyle?
yes, call me!
Not right now, but keep me in mind for FREE monthly sample groups.
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