Teen Social Skills Class

This is the registration form for our Teen Social Skills Class. Whether your teen is interested in skills to build friendships, deepen relationships, be more assertive or caring, or interact with family members, this class will meet them where they're at and help them build the skills they need to reach their goals. This class will help participants practice social skills in a relaxed, non-judgmental space.

If you would like to chat with one of our facilitators to answer questions or get a better feel for the class, feel free to call 801-874-1969 or email contact@harmonpsychotherapy.com.

This group will begin once we have enough people who have expressed interest in a teen social skills group. Fill out the information below to be contacted when this happens!

Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Email *
How did you find out about the class?
Batalkan pilihan
First and last name of participant (Teen).
First and last names of parent(s).
What is the best phone number to contact you with information about class?
Name of the person responsible for payment:
Phone number of the responsible party:
Email address of the responsible party:
(For your teen to fill out) What types of goals would you like to work on in this group? *
Wajib diisi
(For your teen to fill out) What is important to you in building relationships/friendships?
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Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Formulir ini dibuat dalam Harmon Psychotherapy & Consulting. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan