Global Water Dances Education Program
Thank you for your interest in the Global Water Dances (GWD) Education Program. We will keep you updated on upcoming professional development opportunities. If you have any questions or would like to share your experiences with the GWD curriculum, feel free to email us at

Access to the GWD curriculum Includes:

  • Curriculum with 10 different lessons
  • Access to documentary “Ripples and Reflections”
  • Inclusion in our database of educators for professional development in dance and environment
  • Sample lessons and experiences from our site leaders
  • Access to our "Reflection Pool" for questions and feedback (coming soon)

Your donation is optional and is greatly appreciated. Suggested donation: $20 

Donate here >>

* If you would like to donate but you don't have a credit card, please email us to
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Please share why you are interested in receiving the GWD curriculum. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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