Spokane Shadow Boys Tactical Match Analysis IV

Greetings Spokane Shadow and Spokane Sounders Players!

A massive part of your development as a player is reading the game, understanding the game, and immersing yourself in the game. So, here's a few matches to watch during your time.


Boys Week 4 (April 20-24): Manchester City - Tottenham (2019 Champions League Quarter-finals, leg 2)

Game Link (also below)


Match Analysis First Half Only--but watch the whole thing for maximum enjoyment. What a game!


Please do the match analysis below on your own. Don't rely on the media coverage or journalists when you try to nail down their formations because you, as soccer players, know more about those things than these guys do. And also because there are multiple answers which could be true, depending on how you make your arguments!

If you have any questions, please reach out to your respective head coaches.
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Spokane Shadow Tactical Match Analysis
Please fill out your answers below after watching your game. Thanks!
Which team are you from? *
What is your first and last name? *
What formations were each team playing? (e.g. 1-4-3-3, 1-4-4-2, 1-4-3-2-1, etc.) *
Who was the most interesting player to you in this game and why? *
What were the attacking tendencies for both teams? *
What were the defending tendencies for both teams? *
What is a tactical situation that stood out to you in this game that you don't always see in all soccer games? *
What did you learn in this game from a player who plays your position? *
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