CUS Community Pulse Survey
Thank you for taking the time to fill out the CUS Community Pulse Survey! This survey has been designed to learn more about how the CUS can best support you during your university experience. The data will be used to better understand the needs of Sauder students so the CUS can adapt our events and initiatives. All identifying information will be kept private and only the VP Student Engagement, AVP Student Engagement, and CUS President will have access to individual data points. A presentation on trends in the data will be presented at the CUS Annual General Meeting in March 2022. If you have any  questions or concerns regarding this survey, please contact Thank you again for filling out the survey!
What year are you in? *
What is your primary specialization? *
Which leadership group in the CUS are you currently in? *
Have you previously held a leadership role within the CUS? *
What area is most important to you for the CUS to provide? (Please rank) *
Personal Success (Feeling of inclusion, self-confidence, fun)
Professional Success (Networking opportunities, Professional resources)
Academic Success (Specialization information, academic resources)
How satisfied are you with the following? *
Extremely Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Extremely Satisfied
CUS Service and Affiliated Club events and workshops
Involvement opportunities available within the CUS
Academic Support resources provided by the CUS
CUSavings partnership availability and deals
What are 2-3 needs you feel are a high priority for the CUS to address or improve on? *
Which CUS Services have you utilized in the past two years? *
Which CUS Affiliated Clubs have you utilized in the past two years? *
How often do you attend CUS Service or Affiliated Club Events? *
I have never gone
I go regularly
Do you believe that your undergraduate fee is justified based on your experience with the CUS? *
The CUS funds a variety of student resources. Which of the following did you know, use CUS funding? *
How much do you trust the Board of Directors? (Ex. President, Year Reps, AMS Rep, Ombudsperson) *
Not at all
A great deal
How much do you trust the Executive Council? (Ex. Vice Presidents) *
Not at all
A great deal
How Satisfied are you with the transparency of CUS governance? *
Extremely Dissatisfied
Extremely Satisfied
How satisfied are you with the current student fee structure? *
Extremely Dissatisfied
Extremely Satisfied
How satisfied were you with in-person events? *
Extremely Dissatisfied
Extremely Satisfied
If you have any additional comments or concerns not covered in this survey, please write them here.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you wish to win one of three $25 Patagonia gift cards, please enter your email below
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