Hope Adventure Mile
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Run, jump, climb and brainstorm your way to the finish line!
The Hope Adventure Mile is a 1,6km long Adventure Race designed to test your mettle with a combination of obstacles, strength and endurance challenges, logic puzzles, teamwork tasks and rock climbing.

How it works:

It's a race against the clock, with each team working together to conquer the course as quickly as possible and claim the title!  

In order to limit numbers on the course each team will be given a specific time slot and there will only be one group on each part of the course at once. This leaves you and your group free to enjoy the day without worrying about  other racers.

Simply book your spot by paying the entry fee, show up 10 minutes before your time slot and get ready to race.

The course is ideal for family groups but is suitable for any ages and abilities. Teams are comprised of 4-5 people.

PRIZES are up for grabs for the winning team and the first family to finish. There will also be loads of spot prizes on the day!

Please fill in the following details:
As this is a Team event we ask that you please sign up as a team
Team Name: *
Please enter the names of all team members: *
Contact details of your team captain: (email) *
Contact details of your team captain: (phone) *
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