UCSB Choirs "Placement Hearings", Fall 24
Fill out the form to schedule your placement hearing on Friday, September 27 from 10:00am-1pm. If you're having a placement hearing for Concert Choir(formerly the Lumina/Gauchos ensembles), we will only be doing simple vocal exercises and testing your range. If you are auditioning for Chamber Choir, you need to also sing a song(classical art song, church hymn) and bring sheet music for an accompanist. These will take place in Professor Wilson's office, 2325 in the music building. With any questions/concerns, please be in contact with brentmwilson@ucsb.edu.

Please note that the first rehearsal for the Chamber Choir will be Saturday, September 28 from 10am-12pm, and Concert Choir will be Monday, September 30 from 3:30pm-4:45pm.
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Select a time for your placement hearing/audition. If you absolutely can't make a time listed below, choose one anyway and then email me directly to set up an alternative audition time. *
Your name as you would like it to appear in the program *
What is your UCSB email? *
What is your Perm number? *
What is your major? *
Which year are you in your studies at UCSB? *
Who is your voice teacher at UCSB(if any)?
Please list any choral experience both at UCSB and before UCSB:
I normally sing this part in choir: *
Other instruments you play or have studied(if any):
Voice lessons or solo experience(if any):
Languages other than English that you fluently speak(if any):
Which High School did you attend? *
If you sang in choir in high school, who was your director?
Which choir(s) are you interested in participating in? *
I would like to sing in more than one group. *
If this is your first audition, how did you year about the Choral Department?
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