Pippin- Online Registration!
Please complete the following form to register your student(s) for the Scranton Cultural Center Youth Theatre Program's Production of Pippin!  Please note that this production is open to students in 5th through 12th Grades.
登入 Google即可儲存您的進度。瞭解詳情
電郵 *
Please select one of the audition workshop to attend.  Actors are not expected to prepare anything; they will be taught materials from the show to audition with!

Sunday, October 3, 6-8:30pm
Monday, October 4, 6-8:30pm

Friday, January 21 at 7pm
Saturday, January 22 at 7pm
Sunday, January 23 at 2pm

Tentative Rehearsal Schedule:
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6pm- 8:30pm.  Not all students will be called for each evening of rehearsal.

TUITION: $325/ student

DEPOSITS: A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT of $25 PER SESSION must be submitted to reserve your spot on the roster. You will be invoiced for the remaining balance. Your deposit will be applied to your tuition balance.

ENROLLMENT FEE: There is a one-time, non-refundable ENROLLMENT FEE of $25 for all first-time students.

Upon registering, you will receive a Parent Handbook and Medical/ Emergency Forms which MUST be completed by the start of rehearsals.
FIRST NAME of Student *
LAST NAME of Student *
Sex *
Age as of October 2021 *
Date of Birth MM/DD/YY *
Current Grade *
School *
Participating Sibling Name: (if applicable)
Home Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
(1) Name of Parent or Guardian *
Relationship: *
(2) Name of Parent or Guardian
Primary Phone *
Secondary Phone
Secondary E-Mail Address
T-Shirt Size (Please select One) *
請勿透過 Google 表格提交密碼。
這個表格是在 Scranton Cultural Center 內建立。 舉報濫用情況