Cheesecake and Planting Registration
Sadly, we can’t all get together and eat cheesecake this year, but we can all bake cheesecake together, but separately.

All teenagers are invited to bake either a cheesecake or Siete Cielos loaf in honor of Shavuot. You will have from Sunday, May 24- 8pm until Tuesday, May 26 to make your cake or loaf. Take and submit 3 pictures to be judged: 1 of the baking process, 1 of the final product, 1 of a slice of the final product.

Just because cheesecakes are usually made in a springform pan, doesn’t mean they have to be if you don’t have one… They could be cupcakes, pies, etc…. Be creative! While we wish we could judge by taste, we can only judge by presentation. Feel free to share on social media with #teentikkunpgh, but must be submitted here to be considered for the competition.

We recognize that not everyone has access to the ingredients necessary to make these items, and are able to supply basic cheesecake ingredient packs to a limited number of registrants on a first come/first served basis.

Cheesecake Ingredients

1 sleeve of Graham Crackers
⅓ cup of butter
3 TBSP sugar

4 (8oz each) packages of Cream Cheese
1 cup Sugar
1tsp Vanilla or Maple Syrup
4 eggs

Siete Cielos Ingredients

7-8 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 oz. fresh yeast
5 eggs
1/3 cup warm water
5 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
1 tsp. anise extract or Arak
½ cup milk

Register by 5/22/20 for ingredient delivery on 5/24/20. SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! We will provide materials as long as we are able, but cannot guarantee them.  

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