Help us test WASH AI on WhatsApp
We need help testing WASH AI through WhatsApp. If you are interesting in helping out, please fill in this form. We will be in touch for feedback. Please note that all interactions with WASH AI on WhatsApp are logged so that we can improve the system. Your information is never shared with any other party for any marketing or other purposes beyond providing the WASH AI service.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Your Name *
Your Email *
So we can get in touch for feedback. We won't spam you or share your email with anyone else.
Your WhatsApp phone number *
The number you use for WhatsApp including the country code. This is so we can make sure you have access.
Your Role *
Choose the one that matches you best
Language(s) you speak fluently
Your Organization
Your Country
Optional. If you work in multiple countries, select the one that you know best or are most interested in (WASH context)
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