Pine River High School Appointments
Do you want to talk to someone in the high school office? If yes, please fill out the form below.

This form is for NON-emergency issues. If this is an emergency, please call 911 or go directly to the office. 

We look forward to helping you!
PRHS Office
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If you would like to share your name, please enter it here (both first and last name please).
What is today's date? *
Is this about you or someone else? If someone else, fill in the person's name below. *
If this is about someone else, how do you know them? *
Who do you want to talk to? You can check more than one. (Your preference will be taken into consideration, but one of the rest of us may reach out to you first.)
What are we talking about? You can check more than one. *
Is there anything else we should know about before we reach out?
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