Cloth Diaper Brand Rep/Ambassador Feedback
This form is to collect experiences, perspectives and more about cloth diaper brand ambassador programs. The information collected in this form is anonymous, and will be compiled to provide additional support and resources to Cloth Diaper Brands participating in the Cloth Diaper Network to influence their program development.
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Have you been a brand rep or ambassador for a cloth diaper brand, retailer or maker? *
How long was your brand rep term?
Did you have to be exclusive? *
What did you receive in exchange?
The brand partnership was
not enough value
too much value
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In a dream world, I would like to receive....
What were your expectations
The brand expectations of me were
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In a dream world, brand ambassador expectations should be...
The brand supported me in my role as ambassador
I felt unsupported
I felt supported
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how could brands better support you as a brand ambassador?
Share other ideas for brand ambassador supports
Share your experience, positive or negatives
Would you apply to be a brand ambassador again
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Provide any general feedback or insight into the role of brand rep positions in the cloth diaper community.
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